Whats Happening in Andrews Mind When He Says Now Sir Have I Met You Again Theres for You

12th Night: Act four, Scene i

  Enter SEBASTIAN and Clown.

  oneVolition you lot make me believe that I am not sent

i. Will you: Are you trying to.

  2for you?

  threeGo to, become to, k art a foolish fellow:
  4Let me be clear of thee.

4. clear: rid.

  5Well held out, i' faith! No, I do not know you;

5. Well held out: i.eastward.,fashion to hang in there (with the pretense that you don't know what I'm talking about).

  6nor I am non sent to you by my lady, to bid
  7you come speak with her; nor your name is not
  eightMain Cesario; nor this is not my nose neither.
  9Nothing that is and so is then.

 10I prithee, vent thy folly somewhere else: Thou

10. vent: air, vent—equally in, "He'south merely venting."

 11know'st not me.

 12Vent my folly! he has heard that discussion of some

12. that word: i.east., vent. (It wasn't, and isn't, an unusual give-and-take, even though the Clown mocks information technology as likewise high-flown.)

 13great man and now applies it to a fool. Vent my
 fourteenfolly! I am afraid this great lubber, the world,

fourteen. lubber: a big, impuissant, stupid fellow; especially one who lives in idleness; a lout.

 15volition prove a cockney. I prithee at present, ungird thy
 16strangeness and tell me what I shall vent to my

15-sixteen. ungird thy strangeness: Mockingly fancy for "quit pretending to be a stranger.

 17lady: shall I vent to her that thou fine art coming?

 xviiiI prithee, foolish Greek, depart from me: There's

xviii. Greek: jester.

 19money for thee: if you tarry longer, I shall requite
 20worse payment.

20. worse payment: Similar maybe a whack upside the caput.

 21By my troth, m hast an open up hand. These wise

21. hast an open hand: are generous. (The Clown is probably beingness sarcastic.)

 22men that give fools coin get themselves a good
 23report — subsequently 14 years' purchase.

  Enter [SIR] ANDREW, [SIR] TOBY [Belch],
  and FABIAN.

 24Now, sir, have I met you again? [Hits Sebastian.]
 25There'due south for yous.

 26Why, [Striking Sir Andrew.] in that location'due south for thee, and there,
 27and there. Are all the people mad? [Draws his dagger.]

 28Hold, sir, [Restrains Sebastian.] or I'll throw your dagger

28. Hold: Stop.

 29o'er the house.

 thirtyThis will I tell my lady directly: I would not be in some

xxx. straight: straightway, immediately.

 31of your coats for two pence.

30-31. exist in some of your coats: i.e., be in the shoes of some of you lot. (Apparently the Clown knows that Olivia won't similar anyone manhandling "Cesario.")


SIR TOBY Discharge
 32Come on, sir; agree.

 33Nay, let him solitary: I'll go some other way to work
 34with him; I'll accept an action of bombardment against

33-34. go another style to work with him: i.e., get dorsum at him another way. activity of battery: lawsuit for set on and battery. 36. it'due south no matter for that: Of course Sir Andrew, the natural fool, is wrong; it would matter that he struck first.

 35him, if at that place be whatever constabulary in Illyria: though I
 36struck him outset, yet information technology's no thing for that.

 37Allow get thy hand.

 38Come, sir, I will not permit you lot become. Come, my immature
 39soldier, put up your atomic number 26: you are well fleshed.

39. you are well fleshed: To be "fleshed" is to have a gustatory modality of battle. Sir Toby seems to be saying that the immature human being, by striking Sir Andrew, has done enough fighting.

 fortyCome up on.

 41I will exist free from thee. [Breaks gratuitous and draws
 42 his sword.] What wouldst grand at present? If thou darest
 43tempt me further, draw thy sword.

43. tempt me farther: test me some more.

 44What, what? Nay, and then I must have an ounce or ii
 44     of this malapert claret from you. [Draws his sword.]

44. malapert: impudent, insolent.

  Enter OLIVIA.

 45Hold, Toby; on thy life I charge thee, hold!

45. Hold: cease.

 46Madam —

 47Will it be always thus? Ungracious wretch,

47. Ungracious: graceless, uncivilized.

 48Fit for the mountains and the barbarous caves,
 49Where manners ne'er were preach'd! out of my sight!
 50Be not offended, dear Cesario.
 51Rudesby, be gone!

51. Rudesby: ruffian.

  [Exeunt SIR TOBY Belch, SIR ANDREW,]
  and FABIAN.]

 51                              I prithee, gentle friend,
 52Let thy fair wisdom, not thy passion, sway

52. sway: dominion (your mind and emotions).

 53In this uncivil and thou unjust extent

53. unjust: unlawful. extent: outbreak of violence, attack.

 54Against thy peace. Go with me to my house,
 55And hear thou there how many fruitless pranks

55. fruitless pranks: pointless practical jokes.

 56This ruffian hath botch'd upward, that one thousand thereby

56. botch'd up: patched together, clumsily contrived.

 57Mayst grin at this: thou shalt not cull but go:

57. this: i.e., what Sir Toby has just washed to yous.

 58Do not deny. Beshrew his soul for me,

58. Beshrew his soul for me: curse his soul for me.

 59He started i poor centre of mine in thee.

Started hart 59. started: startled, terrified. 60. What relish is in this?: i.e., Something'south odd in what she just said. What is it?. Or: either.

 threescoreWhat relish is in this? how runs the stream?
 61Or I am mad, or else this is a dream:
 62Let fancy still my sense in Lethe steep;

 63If information technology be thus to dream, yet let me slumber!

 64Nay, come up, I prithee; would thou'ldst exist ruled
 64    by me!

64. be ruled past me: accept my advice.

 65Madam, I volition.

 65                        O, say and then, and so be!

65. so exist: (If "Cesario" is really ruled by her, he will return her dearest.)



Source: https://shakespeare-navigators.com/TN_Navigator/Twelfth_Night_Act_4_Scene_1.html

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